Comparison of K-12 Education System in US versus that in other Countries such as Korea, India

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Education in Other Countries: 

New Delhi  -  Extra Curricular activities  -  world Guides 

New Delhi Metropolis area with population of 20 million people has only handful of swimming pools which are for Ultra rich, very limited open spaces.  Negligible opportunities for extra curricular activities when compared to students in US. Students in many other countries are constantly memorizing textbooks and spending time on only academics. 

These swimming pools are open to everyone 

Comparison of American Education system with that of Other countries:
·        Comparison of US education system with that in other countries
·        In Korea longer school hours, limited or no extracurricular activities, school open on Saturdays
·        Private tutoring and educational consulting big businesses in Asian countries
·        Indian education system only focuses on academics, rote learning, memorization,
·        Students going to other countries mostly studied in private schools or took extensive private tutoring, got extensive help while completing college applications, cost of labor much lower in other countries, easy to hire tutors, consultants.
·        No opportunities for sports, or any other extracurricular activities, students are immersed in studying, many of them stay home in high schools and study for standardized tests,
·        Very different system when compared to our education system here in US

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