History of University of California, Growth of Foreign Students Foreign student population growth at University of California campuses, history of UC system, high paying majors attract disproportionately large number of foreign students.

our you tube videos in two parts on this subject



Our You Tube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCgIk-aRQ9yCuUqAUcNUfTw  

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ryoW5BGCme0XBr2fwNDO1hq0XD8iYdUf/view?usp=sharing 

List of Blogposts, google drive file links, and You tube videos  https://foreignstudentsgrowth.blogspot.com/2018/10/list-of-videos-and-blogposts.html 
To download the PDF versions of documents, presentations, cover letter, executive summary

History of University of California, Growth of Foreign Students
Foreign student population growth at University of California campuses, history of UC system, high paying majors attract disproportionately large number of foreign students.   
UC Enrollment figures:
UC Davis admits 60 percent of international students but 36 percent of in-state applicants

·        University of California  system of Education was founded in 1855 and until 1970 education was free.
·        Was very popular system for providing quality education at very low rate low tuition fees
·        University of California  system has supplemental education fees many majors, which are in addition to regular tuition fees.
·        We downloaded the fee schedule from University of California  website, non-resident fees are around 2.5 to 3 times higher the resident fees approximately.
·        University of California  Info center - excellent source of enrollment related info, you can see exactly when the foreign student population started growing at much faster pace in University of California system. We spent lot of time at University of California  info center extracting the data for purpose of this study. We focused more on undergraduate admissions.
·        Percentage growth of foreign students at University of California campuses when compared to domestic student growth or in certain University of California campuses there was decline or no growth in California residents. 
·        California residents does not mean only US citizens or legal US permanent residents are California residents whereas University of California ’s always report the numbers as California residents. Please do watch a full video on this classification issue.
·        International student enrollment in STEM Majors or other high-paying majors very high.
·        In certain majors, more than 90% of the students in graduate programs are international students.
·        All of the high-paying majors attracted a large percentage International students.
·        We also downloaded a report named Global cities initiative a joint project of Brookings Institute and JPMorgan Chase. This is excellent report with wealth of information. We will discuss this report in detail in this video.


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