Higher Education analysis from Legislative Analyst’s Office for the California Legislature’s nonpartisan fiscal and policy advisor

Higher Education analysis from Legislative Analyst’s Office for the  California Legislature’s nonpartisan fiscal and policy advisor

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List of Blogposts, google drive file links, and You tube videos  https://foreignstudentsgrowth.blogspot.com/2018/10/list-of-videos-and-blogposts.html 
To download the PDF versions of documents, presentations, cover letter, executive summary

·        Education analysis from legislature office for California Financial nonpartisan and policy advisor
·        2016-17 budget allocated to higher education;
·        Funding for higher education 48.2 billion.
·        California community colleges funding 9.2 billion.
·        Cal State System funding 8.7 billion.
·        University of California funding 28 billion.
·        Demographic changes affect enrollment demand.
·        College participation in California higher than national average.
·        Key facts of California community colleges; 70% of States Nurses got education there, 29% of University of California and 51% California State graduates started  at California community colleges, transfer students account for the 48 percent of University of California ’s BS degrees in STEM.  


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