Population in California – Forecast & Trends, CA per pupil spending, Really Good Tools available to view per pupil spending in CA

Link to out three part youtube videos on this subject 




Our You Tube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCgIk-aRQ9yCuUqAUcNUfTw 

Google Drive Link:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C8pQyJ1Nht1A0PPXCdqMTl4gsthMYjEJ/view?usp=sharing  

List of Blogposts, google drive file links, and You tube videos  https://foreignstudentsgrowth.blogspot.com/2018/10/list-of-videos-and-blogposts.html 
To download the PDF versions of documents, presentations, cover letter, executive summary

Population in California – Forecast & Trends, CA per pupil spending, Really Good Tools available to view  per pupil spending in CA

CA per pupil spending:  


Really Good Tools available to view  per pupil spending in CA: 

·        Current population of California, growth projections,

·        California population – 50 million by 2050.

·        Almost 30% of California population is foreign born.

·        Demographics of California.

·        Under 18 population of California.

·        K-12 students population of California.

·        Number of K-12 Students attending private and public schools in California.

·        Ethnic K-12 enrollment numbers of California.

·        Percentage of Illegal aliens students in California.

·        DACA and other programs.

·        Undocumented students pursuing college, career options for them.

·        Eligibility to take Professional licenses exams for undocumented immigrants in California.

·        Per capita spending on K-12 students in California.

·        Excellent mapping tools showing per capita students spending in California school districts.

·        Per capita spending varies from $8,000 - $ 70,000 per year

·        What is school Voucher System?

·        Residency verification system in K-12 education system, how often the residency is verified by various schools districts.


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