University of California Administrative and operating budget, tuition fees, liabilities, Starving students at many US campuses

University of California Administrative and operating budget, tuition fees, liabilities,
Starving students at many US campuses 

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·        State audit  finds  that University of California Administration is paying lavish salaries and mishandling funds.  
·        University of California  system budget was 28.5 billion US dollars  for 2016. 
·        University of California  budget for 2017-2018 calls for increasing the California undergraduates student body and providing them additional financial aid to fully cover tuition expense for 2/3 of California undergraduates while providing hundred thousand undergraduates with additional aid used for rent food books and other expenses.
·        State eligible maintenance backlog at University of California exceeds 3 billion.
·        Capital Financial Plan called for 5.6 billion to support enrollment growth over 6 years at University of California campuses.
·        Retirement plan liability with University of California  system in June 2016 was 15 Billion.
·        Unfunded liability for retiree Health estimate at University of California was 21 billion as of June 2016.
·        Supplemental tuition fee for professional degrees may keep going up by 5% per year 2015-2016 to 2019-2020.
·        The number percentage growth in the number of Administrators at University of California ”s was higher than the corresponding number for the faculty members growth.
·        According to Bain & Company Consultants there are 11 related management between the chancellor and Frontline employees more than half of the managers of 1000 had three or fewer directly reporting employees.
·        Crisis blooming on many college campuses, students don't have access to healthy food mainly due to financial reasons.
·        Many students cannot afford to eat healthy.
·        Many surveys have shown that access to healthy food and a safe living place was a very big issue for students. 


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